Mayfair Cocktails 35ml Mayfair Gin 35ml Campari 35ml Sweet Vermouth Dandelion & Burdock Bitters Build & Stir over ice Garnish: Orange Twist Glass: Oversized Old Fashioned
The Mayfair Elegance
Mayfair Cocktails 35ml Mayfair Gin 50ml honeyard Jasmine Tea 15ml yellow chartreuse Stir & serve on the rocks Garnish: Jasmine glower & Lemon Twist Glass: Oversized Old Fashioned
The Mayfair Deluxe
Mayfair Cocktails 35ml Mayfair Gin 15ml Apricot Brandy 50ml Clementine juice 10ml Gomme 2 cloves Muddle cloves, shake & strain up Garnish: Orange Twist Glass: Margarita
The Mayfair Gin & Tonic
Mayfair Cocktails 35ml Mayfair Gin Top with tonic Garnish: Apple slice Glass: Highball